[Pidgin] #11368: Pidgin installer for win32 should include iconv.dll

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun Feb 14 05:15:16 EST 2010

#11368: Pidgin installer for win32 should include iconv.dll
 Reporter:  alex_sh       |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  defect        |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.6.5     
 Keywords:  gtk iconv     |  
 As of glib 2.12, GTK/Glib doesn't depend on iconv.dll anymore.
 However, Pidgin's libxml2.dll depends on this dll. Currently the Windows
 Pidgin distribution expects that iconv.dll is present in the installed
 GTK+. This behavior becomes problematic in case a third-party GTK+
 distribution is installed. Since iconv.dll is not a GTK+ dependency, these
 third-party distributions aren't required to bundle it anymore (it's
 unreasonable to assume that they will contain every dll they ever included

 Solution: iconv.dll should be included in Pidgin itself.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11368>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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