[Pidgin] #4509: Support XMPP Invisibility

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Feb 25 15:47:59 EST 2010

#4509: Support XMPP Invisibility
 Reporter:  js                      |        Owner:  deryni
     Type:  defect                  |       Status:  new   
Milestone:  Patches Needing Review  |    Component:  XMPP  
  Version:  2.3.1                   |   Resolution:        
 Keywords:                          |  

Comment(by ayanc):

 @deryni: I actually find both invisibility (which enables me to continue
 IMing with one contact, without being disturbed by others --- when the
 invisible option exists, people tend to treat the DND status as little
 more than a casual suggestion) as well as shared status (which allows me
 to leave clients running from multiple machines, but still allows me to
 set my global status from the one I am actually on) to be useful. Also, as
 moxfyre points out, there is no way to implement just invisibility on
 google talk without supporting shared status as well.

 This is of course a personal opinion. And I understand that you dislike
 the shared status model. Having said that, given that pidgin has worked
 hard to support a wide variety of protocols many of which probably have
 far worse design choices, I'm surprised that the dev team would be
 unwilling to support all the features in google talk which is fairly
 popular client. The current patch already has no effect on non-google talk
 jabber users. And if you feel there are people who want to use google talk
 but not google's shared status system, making it a configurable option as
 moxfyre suggested may be best.

 Of course, at the end of the day this is your decision.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4509#comment:47>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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