[Pidgin] #11544: When I access the inbox from this (pidgin) me directly about firefox prohibits access

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Mar 12 10:22:25 EST 2010

#11544: When I access the inbox from this (pidgin) me directly about firefox
prohibits access
 Reporter:  diego_open_source                                                      |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  defect                                                                 |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified                                                           |   Version:  2.6.6     
 Keywords:  access, inbox, directly, firefox, prohibits, access, prohibits access  |  
 Hello, I have installed pidgin 2.6.6 portable, and when I change the
 password on hotmail hotmail from the web, then the change in pidgin
 (entered on successfully) and when I access the inbox from this (pidgin)
 me directly about firefox 2.5.8 prohibits access (not think that's the
 version of firefox because I have other emails from hotmail and I do this
 only when you change the key).

 Delete all the pidgin, I went to install, and is working properly. And
 pass the full ccleaner, but it seems that something bad is saved, but now
 it seems good to doing well ... see if the problem continues. Thank you.


 Hola, yo tengo instalado pidgin 2.6.6 portable, y cuando cambio la
 contraseña en hotmail desde la pagina de hotmail, luego la cambio en el
 pidgin (entro en sesión correctamente) y cuando quiero acceder a la
 bandeja de entradas desde este (pidgin) directamente sobre firefox 2.5.8
 me prohíbe el acceso (no creo que sea la version de firefox porque tengo
 otros correos hotmail y desde estos no me lo hace, solo cuando le cambio
 la clave) .

 Borre todo el pidgin, volví a instalar, y hay funciona correctamente. Y
 paso el ccleaner completo, pero parece que algo se guarda mal, pero bueno
 ahora parece que anda bien... veremos si sigue el problema. Gracias.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11544>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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