[Pidgin] #11556: Error 204 adding buddies on 2.6.6

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Mar 15 18:18:04 EDT 2010

#11556: Error 204 adding buddies on 2.6.6
 Reporter:  cjsoftuk  |     Owner:  khc  
     Type:  defect    |    Status:  new  
Component:  MSN       |   Version:  2.6.6
 Keywords:            |  
 While adding a buddy to my account on the MSN protocol (not pecan, out-of-
 the-box-MSN) I get the following error appear: "Unknown error (204):
 <ml><d n="yahoo.co.uk"><c n="paintedape" l="3" t="32" /></d></ml>"

 This seems to only happen with @yahoo.co.uk emails, and I don't actually
 understand what is going on.  My guess is that it'll be to do with the
 MSN/Yahoo interop stuff.

 The error repeats at each sign in.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11556>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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