[Pidgin] #11568: SSL handshake failure on reconnect of IRC over SSL

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Mar 19 22:37:17 EDT 2010

#11568: SSL handshake failure on reconnect of IRC over SSL
 Reporter:  Neo at NHNG  |     Owner:  elb  
     Type:  defect    |    Status:  new  
Component:  IRC       |   Version:  2.6.6
 Keywords:            |  
 I use the IRC server of CAcert a lot (ircs://irc.cacert.org:7000), which
 has SSL encryption enabled.

 There are no problems on the initial connect, but when the connection is
 interrupted (e.g. lost wifi) and pidgin reconnects it always throws an
 "SSL Handshake Failed" and subsequent clicks on "Reconnect" will just
 throw the same error.

 How to reproduce:

 1. Create a new account (protocol=IRC, username=TEST,
 server=irc.cacert.org, port=7000, Use_SSL=True)

 2. Once connected to the server, disable the account

 3. Enable the account again.

 To recover from this problem one can just restart pidgin but that's very
 annoying especially if working over a weak wifi connection.

 Tried this on Ubuntu Linux 9.10 with pidgin 2.6.6 and libpurple 2.6.6 with
 a clean user and all plugins disabled.

 This issue might be related to #8828

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11568>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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