[Pidgin] #10796: Wikipedia lookup would be nice

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sat Mar 27 17:30:50 EDT 2010

#10796: Wikipedia lookup would be nice
 Reporter:  syn4k                                          |        Owner:         
     Type:  plugin request                                 |       Status:  new    
Milestone:                                                 |    Component:  plugins
  Version:  2.6.3                                          |   Resolution:         
 Keywords:  wikipedia lookup search trillian patch plugin  |  

Comment(by Jinx):

 I, too, have been waiting and hoping someone would implement this feature.

 As for how it's implemented, I'm pretty sure Trillian simply obtains a
 list of all article names, and tries to match each word in the
 conversation to an article. If a match exists, it underlines it.
 Onmouseover yields a lookup of the first (summary) paragraph of the
 article. Of course, this could be customized to allow
 OnClick/OnMiddleClick etc.

 This would be a great feature, indeed.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/10796#comment:3>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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