[Pidgin] #9046: Auto-away sets away message...

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Mar 30 10:27:27 EDT 2010

#9046: Auto-away sets away message...
 Reporter:  Daemonax   |        Owner:  deryni      
     Type:  defect     |       Status:  new         
Milestone:             |    Component:  pidgin (gtk)
  Version:  2.5.5      |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:  Auto away  |  

Comment(by leorolla):

 I think I didn't express correctly, sorry it sounded too particular to my

 (In my particular case, I say it is ackward that my contacs see this
 message. When I installed pidgin I chose the language in which I expected
 pidgin to estabililsh an interface with me, not the language I expected
 pidgin to show messages to my contacts.)

 The fact is: Pidgin has set messages for the user, pidgin did not ask the
 user whether they wanted it, pidgin didn't even tell the user about that.

 If the message sounds akward or not, that is personal, indeed. But
 Messaging really is personal, right? And the final result is that the
 user's contacts see a message coming from the user, a message that was
 never set by that user.

 A software that works as a messager client is setting textual messages on
 the behalf of the user without any action from the same user (what we call
 default behavior), that is preety bad.

 Not being a typical programming-issue bug (like security or consistency or
 robustness or syncrhonization), but rather a simple easy-to-fix
 misbehavior, doesn't mean it is not a Real Bug.

 Thanks for developping good-quality free software. Pidgin is great.

 I just want to stress that users coming from different backgrounds can be
 bothered by this missbehavior in a way that may or may not make sense for

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/9046#comment:28>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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