[Pidgin] #12058: MSN sent messages are reordered

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon May 31 03:55:55 EDT 2010

#12058: MSN sent messages are reordered
 Reporter:  lmfe    |     Owner:  QuLogic
     Type:  defect  |    Status:  new    
Component:  MSN     |   Version:  2.7.0  
 Keywords:          |  
 I upgraded to pidgin 2.7.0 recently, and while chatting to offline users,
 my messages sometimes got reordered and delayed.
 What happens is that I write a message, and this message doesn't arrive in
 the destination until several minutes later. But the other subsequent
 messages that I write are sent without a problem.
 The consequence is that the particular message that was delayed will
 arrive out of order, and out of context.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12058>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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