[Pidgin] #11790: Provide Facebook account type

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue May 4 04:57:20 EDT 2010

#11790: Provide Facebook account type
 Reporter:  manski        |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  enhancement   |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.6.6     
 Keywords:                |  
 Since Facebook started supporting XMPP for their chat system I switched to
 XMPP (and am no longer using the Facebook plugin). However, since I
 already had an XMPP account somewhere else I now have two of them (with
 the same icon, obviously).

 So, it would be nice if you could add a Facebook account type (like
 "Google Talk") with a proper icon. Thanks.

 PS: I found ticket #6536 which is closed/fixed but I can't find anything
 in Pidgin related to this.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11790>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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