[Pidgin] #11764: Account Names

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed May 5 03:46:25 EDT 2010

#11764: Account Names
 Reporter:  tristangrimaux  |        Owner:           
     Type:  enhancement     |       Status:  new      
Milestone:                  |    Component:  libpurple
  Version:  2.6.2           |   Resolution:           
 Keywords:  account name    |  

Comment(by manski):

 Replying to [comment:11 darkrain42]:
 > But really, I'm not sure I understand what you're describing now, so I'm
 going to start with some terminology (where I'm coming from):

 Thanks for that.

 > My current guess of what you're asking for is a "Local Account Icon",
 that is set per-account, but ''is not'' transmitted to the server, and
 simply serves as a visual indicator.  if that's correct, I still think an
 ability to set per-account protocol icons would roughly work here,
 although it does constrain the size of the icons (I'm unsure on whether
 that's a bad thing or not :P).

 Which constrains are there? You mean that the protocol icon can only be
 16x16 pixel big? But then why are scalable versions of each protocol icon
 shipped with Pidgin?

 >These would primarily be displayed in the toaster popups (pidgin-
 libnotify or guifications), right?  Where else do you envision they'd be
 displayed?  (It seems to me that, since they wouldn't garner widespread
 use outside of the toaster popup plugins, it would be more reasonable to
 implement it there)

 Protocol icons are currently displayed at the following places (I think
 that's all of them):

  * Account management dialog (of course)
  * Buddy tooltips
  * Chat dialogs
  * Buddy list (with "Show protocol icons" enabled)
  * Toaster popups: well, not for me, as I'm using snarl for notifications
 (but I guess this depends on the toaster implementation)

 So protocol icons are not just displayed in toaster popups.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11764#comment:13>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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