[Pidgin] #11818: Crash on file transfers with jabber

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon May 10 10:50:54 EDT 2010

#11818: Crash on file transfers with jabber
 Reporter:  romain  |     Owner:  deryni
     Type:  defect  |    Status:  new   
Component:  XMPP    |   Version:  2.6.6 
 Keywords:          |  
 A crash occured when a buddy tried to send me a file via xmpp:

 (gdb) bt
 #0  0x00007f89cd8125ee in jabber_si_bytestreams_attempt_connect
     at /build/buildd-
 #1  0x00007f89cd812b23 in connect_timeout_cb (data=<value optimized out>)
     at /build/buildd-
 #2  0x00007f89d9b1af6b in g_timeout_dispatch (source=0x945d80,
 callback=0x72ecb0, user_data=0x0)
     at /home/joss/deb/pkg-gnome/desktop/lenny/build-
 #3  0x00007f89d9b1a7ab in IA__g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x6c9400)
     at /home/joss/deb/pkg-gnome/desktop/lenny/build-
 #4  0x00007f89d9b1df7d in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x6c9400,
 block=1, dispatch=1, self=<value optimized out>)
     at /home/joss/deb/pkg-gnome/desktop/lenny/build-
 #5  0x00007f89d9b1e4ad in IA__g_main_loop_run (loop=0x6c9fa0)
     at /home/joss/deb/pkg-gnome/desktop/lenny/build-
 #6  0x0000000000429c33 in Minbif::main (this=0x7fffe27fab70, argc=<value
 optimized out>, argv=<value optimized out>)
     at /home/rom1/tmp/minbif/src/core/minbif.cpp:233
 #7  0x0000000000429f82 in main (argc=4, argv=0x7fffe27fac78) at
 (gdb) call *jsx
 $5 = {js = 0x723bb0, connect_data = 0x0, listen_data = 0x0,
 connect_timeout = 0, accepted = 1,
   stream_id = 0x72ecb0 "VG7D0RJUFY16QMOI", iq_id = 0x7333c0
   streamhosts = 0x944460, gpi = 0x837ac0, rxqueue = 0x0, rxlen = 0,
 rxmaxlen = 0, local_streamhost_fd = -1, ibb_session = 0x0,
   ibb_timeout_handle = 0, ibb_buffer = 0x0}
 (gdb) call *jsx->js
 $6 = {fd = 9398176, srv_query_data = 0x8f97b0, context = 0x20, current =
 0x31, protocol_version = 7886080,
   auth_mech = 0x7f89d8871a60, auth_mech_data = 0x632e65757100746c,
   stream_id = 0x66703a6d6f <Address 0x66703a6d6f out of bounds>, state =
   expected_rspauth = 0x101 <Address 0x101 out of bounds>, buddies =
 0x723c60, currently_parsing_roster_push = 0,
   chats = 0x889ac0, chat_servers = 0x0, roomlist = 0x868aa0,
 user_directories = 0x0, iq_callbacks = 0x723c40, next_id = 0,
   bs_proxies = 0x868a90, oob_file_transfers = 0x0, file_transfers =
 0x8feed0, idle = 7486608, old_idle = 7486592, user = 0x0,
   user_jb = 0x8cc240, gc = 0x0, gsc = 0x723cc0, registration = 0,
 initial_avatar_hash = 0x8d2300 "@\221\204",
   avatar_hash = 0x8cc200 "Px\216", pending_avatar_requests = 0x868a70,
 pending_buddy_info_requests = 0x0,
   write_buffer = 0x723ca0, writeh = 0, reinit = 0, server_caps = 8817344,
 googletalk = 0, server_name = 0x0,
   gmail_last_time = 0x0, gmail_last_tid = 0xd <Address 0xd out of bounds>,
 serverFQDN = 0x8cc2d0 "", sasl = 0x868ad0,
   sasl_cb = 0x7c3830, current_mech = 0x61 <Address 0x61 out of bounds>,
 auth_fail_count = 8415632, sasl_state = 0,
   sasl_maxbuf = 7486864, sasl_mechs = 0x1, unregistration = 7486848,
 unregistration_cb = 0,
   unregistration_user_data = 0x806a20, vcard_fetched = 0, vcard_timer = 0,
 caps_hash = 0x0, pep = 7486880, allowBuzz = 0,
   commands = 0x0, old_state = 96, old_msg = 0x20 <Address 0x20 out of
 bounds>, old_priority = 8415728,
   old_avatarhash = 0x7f89d8871a40 "�\030�", old_artist = 0x0, old_title =
 0x21 <Address 0x21 out of bounds>,
   old_source = 0x723d50 "`", old_uri = 0x7f89d8871a40 "�\030�", old_length
 = 0, old_track = 0x61 <Address 0x61 out of bounds>,
   certificate_CN = 0x723cf0 "08|", keepalive_timeout = 7922992, srv_rec =
 0x1, srv_rec_idx = 8429856, max_srv_rec_idx = 0,
   bosh = 0x0, url_datas = 0x806a20, sessions = 0x0, stun_ip = 0x0,
 stun_port = 7923008, stun_query = 0x0}
 (gdb) call jsx->js->user
 $7 = (JabberID *) 0x0

 At line 288 in the file si.c:

 dstaddr = g_strdup_printf("%s%s@%s/%s%s@%s/%s", jsx->stream_id,
 dstjid->node, dstjid->domain, dstjid->resource,
          jsx->js->user->node, jsx->js->user->domain,

 But jsx->js->user is NULL.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11818>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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