[Pidgin] #11858: Animated smilies display at different speeds

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sat May 15 04:52:20 EDT 2010

#11858: Animated smilies display at different speeds
 Reporter:  Alien Heads  |        Owner:  datallah       
     Type:  defect       |       Status:  new            
Milestone:               |    Component:  winpidgin (gtk)
  Version:  2.7.0        |   Resolution:                 
 Keywords:               |  

Comment(by dbeusee):

 I installed gimp (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gimp-
 win/gtk+-2.8.18-setup-1.zip?download) which uses the same version of GTK+
 as pidign 2.7, and it works just fine.

 Open any gif in this program, then go to filter -> animated -> playback...

 This playback program actually does better than pidgin ever did (it is in
 fact exactly like the browser (IE) and like yahoo messenger).  Pidgin has
 always been too fast compared to yahoo messenger. I use the same gif files
 provided in yahoo messenger and pidgin has always rendered them a little
 fast (but in 2.7 it became much worse).

 Why is gimp able to render it correctly with the same version of GTK?

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11858#comment:8>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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