[Pidgin] #11339: Custom Protocol Icons

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun May 16 00:38:01 EDT 2010

#11339: Custom Protocol Icons
 Reporter:  Universe_JDJ    |        Owner:  rekkanoryo  
     Type:  rejected_patch  |       Status:  closed      
Milestone:                  |    Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.6.5           |   Resolution:  wontfix     
 Keywords:                  |  

Comment(by mhamann):

 Now listen here, bub. You are ENTIRELY missing the point.

 Your users (who are TRYING to communicate and give back to the community)
 are asking for a relatively small feature change to a (mostly) great
 product. I'm not sure why you're so averse to giving us more control over
 the way we use Pidgin, but it's completely idiotic! All we're asking for
 is a customization that will allow us to make the software more USEFUL. TO

 This is *NOT* about you, which is clearly what you've turned this issue
 into. Axing the protocol icons is a STUPID STUPID STUPID idea.

 Don't use string matching--I agree, that's not a good solution. But for
 goodness sake, allow users to either accept the default icons, or
 supplement their own. Is that so much to ask?!?!

 If we need to open a separate ticket, fine. But don't be such narcissistic

 Misfeature, my shoe...

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11339#comment:26>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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