[Pidgin] #11997: Provide option to disable video chat entirely

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun May 23 10:07:35 EDT 2010

#11997: Provide option to disable video chat entirely
 Reporter:  hircus           |     Owner:  Maiku
     Type:  defect           |    Status:  new  
Component:  Voice and Video  |   Version:  2.6.6
 Keywords:                   |  
 Video chat support is still not 100% reliable, and in my experience (on
 Fedora x86_64) an incoming video request from a Google Talk user would
 reliably cause Pidgin to enter a busy loop (unresponsive interface, 100%
 CPU utilization. Before the recipient (me) is even given the option to
 accept or reject the call! Thank goodness for multicore CPUs!)

 This is a security risk -- it could be used as a Denial of Service tool.
 There needs to be a dialogue box prompting the user to accept/reject the
 video request, *before* any of the video subsystem is activated. And there
 should also be a unified way to disable voice or video functionality
 across all protocol

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11997>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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