[Pidgin] #11997: Provide option to disable video chat entirely

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue May 25 04:13:26 EDT 2010

#11997: Provide option to disable video chat entirely
 Reporter:  hircus  |        Owner:  Maiku          
     Type:  defect  |       Status:  pending        
Milestone:          |    Component:  Voice and Video
  Version:  2.6.6   |   Resolution:                 
 Keywords:          |  
Changes (by hircus):

  * status:  pending => new


 pidgin 2.7.0 has recently entered Fedora's testing repository, so I'll try
 getting a backtrace. Would have to wait until someone with a Windows or
 Mac computer...

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11997#comment:2>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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