[Pidgin] #12975: Protocol Specific Libraries (Namely GoogleTalk)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Nov 24 09:03:43 EST 2010

#12975: Protocol Specific Libraries (Namely GoogleTalk)
 Reporter:  d2.smith                           |     Owner:  darkrain42
     Type:  task                               |    Status:  new       
Component:  Google Talk                        |   Version:  2.7.7     
 Keywords:  protocol libraries DLL googletalk  |  
 I am testing pidgin as a replacement IM client for a platform we're
 currently using in a call-center that's giving us some consistent and
 repeated issues.  We don't want our users using this application to
 connect to other protocols and chat with their pals during work, so I've
 gone through on a test machine and removed the lib dll files for Yahoo,
 AIM, SIMPLE, etc.

 However I cannot find the corresponding *.DLL for GoogleTalk.  Can anyone
 point me to the correct one?



Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12975>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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