[Pidgin] #12715: Patch: API for adding Auth mechs to Jabber prpl

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Oct 11 20:53:14 EDT 2010

#12715: Patch: API for adding Auth mechs to Jabber prpl
 Reporter:  BigBrownChunx    |        Owner:  deryni
     Type:  patch            |       Status:  new   
Milestone:  2.8.0            |    Component:  XMPP  
  Version:  2.7.3            |   Resolution:        
 Keywords:  jabber auth api  |  

Comment(by BigBrownChunx):

 Updated the patch to fix the typo.  Oops :)

 Opening up plugins to add new auth mechs globally is on purpose so that eg
 someone could write a plugin to support X-GOOGLE-TOKEN without having to
 modify the original 'Gtalk' prpl.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12715#comment:3>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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