[Pidgin] #12757: Libpurple sends out two messages for failed file transfers

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun Oct 17 16:44:22 EDT 2010

#12757: Libpurple sends out two messages for failed file transfers
 Reporter:  Robby      |     Owner:  darkrain42
     Type:  defect     |    Status:  new       
Component:  libpurple  |   Version:  2.6.6     
 Keywords:             |  
 Reported by user "lofgole" for Adium 1.4b19 in #a14376:

 == Summary ==
 If a running file transfer is canceled by the chat partner, two notices
 are generated and shown. The information should be merged into one notice.

 == Steps to reproduce ==
  1. Send file to contact.
  1. Contact cancels file transfer while the transfer is running (actually
 sending data).
  1. Receive two notices where one could provide a better notice.

 == Expected results ==
 Only show one notice with the action of the contact and the name of the

 == Actual results ==
 Two notices are shown. One telling the user that the file transfer was
 closed, and one tells the user that the transfere of file file.xyz was


 See attached screenshots.

 According to wixardy this only happens with XMPP so I'm assigning the
 ticket to darkrain.

 I cannot tell if this issue is present in recent versions, at least the
 changelog doesn't indicate that.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12757>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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