[Pidgin] #11958: Get Info on contact doesn't work with Gadu-Gadu protocol.

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Oct 22 12:20:18 EDT 2010

#11958: Get Info on contact doesn't work with Gadu-Gadu protocol.
 Reporter:  diskape          |        Owner:  bartosz  
     Type:  defect           |       Status:  new      
Milestone:  Patches welcome  |    Component:  Gadu-Gadu
  Version:  2.7.0            |   Resolution:           
 Keywords:                   |  

Comment(by kkszysiu):

 The main question is why it's not working under Windows because since
 2.6.6 theres no changes in code of it. I could look at it in a free time
 but it will be hard because I don't have Windows+Cygwin installation now.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11958#comment:16>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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