[Pidgin] #12472: Yahoo File Transfer... Still....

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Sep 16 04:34:40 EDT 2010

#12472: Yahoo File Transfer... Still....
 Reporter:  Swashbunglar         |        Owner:  sulabh.dev         
     Type:  defect               |       Status:  closed             
Milestone:  2.7.4                |    Component:  Yahoo!/Yahoo! JAPAN
  Version:  2.7.3                |   Resolution:  fixed              
 Keywords:  Yahoo File Transfer  |  

Comment(by john13):


 Tried with the following revisions :

 - Pidgin 2.7.4devel (libpurple 2.7.4devel) pidgin-mtn-20100916
 - Yahoo messenger

 Results :

 - Pidgin -> Yahoo : seems to work fine. Great !

 - Yahoo -> Pidgin : file is sent but not all. In transfer file windows
 State is not updated in realtime when sending and at the end of the
 transfert, state is set around 99% (in details view) and 0 to 2 % in main
 view. I've tried for several files (size from some kB to some MB) and the
 transfer is always cancelled with always 15 bytes remaning. So the file is
 incorect .

 Screen capture attached.
 Can you reopen? if no I create a new one issue...

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12472#comment:19>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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