[Pidgin] #13849: include ID and protocol in login caption

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Apr 26 02:43:12 EDT 2011

#13849: include ID and protocol in login caption
 Reporter:  ciuly         |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  enhancement   |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.7.11    
 Keywords:                |  
 I'd like, if acceptable, that the login user id and protocol be included
 in the login dialog caption.
 Right now all it says is "Pidgin". For security reasons, because pidgin
 stores passwords in clear text, I cannot save my password. So every time I
 start pidgin, I get all my accounts ask me to login.
 Note that I am using portable pidgin on a USB stick along with portable
 What happens now is that every time I start up the stick, I press the
 keepass shortcut to get the auto-login to work but I keep have to choose
 from a list of passwords. That wouldn't be a big problem if pidgin would
 keep its login dialogs properly stacked but it so happens that usually,
 the visible (on-top) dialog is not the one with the focus (remember, we
 are talking about multiple login dialogs opened at the same time).
 So what happens is that multiple times I choose the wrong userid-password
 for the active dialog because even though the visible dialog is one thing,
 the one with the focus is another.

 The best solution for my usecase is to have the userid and protocol in the
 login dialogs caption. That way it doesn't matter which dialog is first in
 z-order and which one actually has the focus because keepass will enter
 the right password in the right dialog based on focus.
 My suggestion is something like: "ID (proto)" or "Pidgin - ID (proto)" (eg
 "example (yahoo)" or "Pidgin - example (yahoo)",  "example (msn) or
 "Pidgin - example (msn)" - you get the picture).


Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/13849>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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