[Pidgin] #13896: MSN chat rooms not shown

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Apr 29 23:11:33 EDT 2011

#13896: MSN chat rooms not shown
 Reporter:  Cassull        |     Owner:  QuLogic
     Type:  defect         |    Status:  new    
Component:  MSN            |   Version:  2.7.11 
 Keywords:  msn chat room  |  
 This only occurs for MSN chat rooms. When I get invited to a chat room,
 usually a new tab would appear and I'd be able to see everything fine.
 However, on occasion, I will get invited and nothing will appear at all.
 According to friends, they'll see me in the contact list for people in the
 room, but I won't even know I got invited and nothing at all comes up, no
 messages, nothing. This problem is intermittent, but happens more often
 than not.

 However, just tonight, I got invited to a chat room and started getting
 messages for everything one person was saying in a separate window. I'm
 not sure if this is related at all to the original issue.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/13896>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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