[Pidgin] #14481: User resource id display

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Aug 2 18:43:33 EDT 2011

#14481: User resource id display
 Reporter:  johnp80  |     Owner:  deryni
     Type:  defect   |    Status:  new   
Component:  XMPP     |   Version:  2.9.0 
 Keywords:           |  
 Why does pidgin display the resource id:

 Resource: BlackBerry******
 Priority: 0
 Status: Available:


 Full Name:

 It seems like too much information to be displayed, and as I understand
 it, at least with google talk, the server determines where the messages
 are supposed to be sent. There are some privacy implications in this, at
 least for people that don't want to broadcast to anybody on their list
 using pidgin where exactly their logged in.

 Sorry if this is mis-categorized, I've been looking around for something
 on this for a few days, and haven't found anything about it.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/14481>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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