[Pidgin] #14793: IRC formatting not appearing

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Dec 9 21:26:23 EST 2011

#14793: IRC formatting not appearing
 Reporter:  reconetc                             |     Owner:  elb   
     Type:  defect                               |    Status:  new   
Component:  IRC                                  |   Version:  2.10.0
 Keywords:  irc bold underline color formatting  |  
 No IRC formatting displays on any incoming messages, instead appearing as
 plain text (not even any control characters show up). While they don't
 show up in the current chat at all, though, bolding and underlining work
 as expected in the scrollback displayed of the previous chat, although
 color doesn't appear. When using "View Log", all formatting works as
 expected. This is somewhat perplexing. I'm using the provided Windows
 binary of 2.10.0, although it presents the same way all the way back to
 2.8.0. I've searched through the ticket archives but only found one
 related ticket ( #1776 ) that seems to imply that this isn't desired

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/14793>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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