[Pidgin] #11110: Pidgin appears to leak DNS for Jabber accounts

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon May 2 15:04:40 EDT 2011

#11110: Pidgin appears to leak DNS for Jabber accounts
 Reporter:  ioerror                  |        Owner:  deryni
     Type:  defect                   |       Status:  closed
Milestone:  2.8.0                    |    Component:  XMPP  
  Version:                           |   Resolution:  fixed 
 Keywords:  jabber security privacy  |  

Comment(by datallah at pidgin.im):

 (In [6aa82282e6ca33634357e91c18d470a5a01d52ba]):[[BR]]
 Fix account-specific proxy config GUI to use same ordering as global proxy

 Refs #11110

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11110#comment:61>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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