[Pidgin] #11281: Yahoo: Account locked

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue May 3 23:07:59 EDT 2011

#11281: Yahoo: Account locked
 Reporter:  alasdairm  |        Owner:  sulabh.dev         
     Type:  defect     |       Status:  new                
Milestone:             |    Component:  Yahoo!/Yahoo! JAPAN
  Version:  2.6.5      |   Resolution:                     
 Keywords:             |  

Comment(by rifter):

 I get this too, alternating with "too many bad password attempts" and
 "logging in too frequently."  It used to be that yahoo threw some error if
 you didn't log into the web site periodically and watch the ads, but when
 that happened, you'd get a message when you logged into the website.  Now
 there is no message like that, and I know the account is not locked for
 too many bad password attempts because 1) I hadn't been logging in at all
 (if anything it should be too infrequently) and 2) if it was locked for
 bad password attempts it would have been locked on the website too I would
 Not sure what the pidgin people can really do, though.  If yahoo's API is
 giving this error erroneously, but it is giving that error, how can they
 know?  Still something is weird.   This particular message did not happen
 to me before, really.  It does eventually clear up, though.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11281#comment:10>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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