[Pidgin] #1522: UPnP timeout period is ridiculously long

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue May 31 12:42:27 EDT 2011

#1522: UPnP timeout period is ridiculously long
 Reporter:  rgovostes                         |        Owner:  evands   
     Type:  patch                             |       Status:  new      
Milestone:  Patches Needing Review            |    Component:  libpurple
  Version:  2.0.1                             |   Resolution:           
 Keywords:  upnp timeout file transfer oscar  |  

Comment(by jclyons):

 Libnice, which gstreamer-farsight needs for ICE NAT traversal, uses gupnp
 (http://www.gupnp.org). In order to consolidate all of our UPnP needs in
 one library dependency, either libpurple's UPnP implementation needs to be
 changed to using gupnp, -OR- libnice needs to be patched to use miniupnp
 instead of gupnp.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/1522#comment:16>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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