[Pidgin] #14943: More user friendly form when adding Google Talk account

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Feb 17 17:30:22 EST 2012

#14943: More user friendly form when adding Google Talk account
 Reporter:  FelixAkk                                                                        |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  enhancement                                                                     |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified                                                                    |   Version:  2.10.1    
 Keywords:  google talk, add account, input form, user input, obsolete fields, custom form  |  
 When you add a Google Talk account, you get pretty much exactly the same
 form as when adding a XMPP account, leaving the user to fill in fields
 like "Remote", and "User alias", which I doubt many Google Talk users
 would have a clue of what to do with.

 A quick search in the help didn't make it clear to me what one would need
 to fill in here, and leaving them empty gave me a apparently fine working
 account, which leaves me with the questions why these fields are there in
 the first place.

 I suggest removing them (or if there is some significance which I am
 ignorant of, make their purpose clear)

 This would add to the user friendliness of this form, along with things
 like filling out the domain field with gmail.com as a default (which I
 though was a really good thing. else I think a lot of users would have no
 idea what to fill in here)

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/14943>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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