[Pidgin] #15108: Pidgin disconnects as soon as a user is added

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri May 11 05:40:44 EDT 2012

#15108: Pidgin disconnects as soon as a user is added
 Reporter:  suaswe                        |        Owner:  rekkanoryo  
     Type:  defect                        |       Status:  new         
Milestone:                                |    Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.10.2                        |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:  pidgin, disconnect, add user  |  

Comment(by suaswe):

 Replying to [comment:1 datallah]:
 > Please follow [wiki:TipsForBugReports the instructions] to get a debug
 log and attach it to this ticket.[[BR]]Your backtrace isn't stopping
 anywhere useful - it's breaking on SIGINT, which you need to tell gdb to

 Hi there,

 I followed the GetABacktrace instructions
 (developer.pidgin.im/wiki/GetABacktrace) to get it, and to be honest I'm
 not sure how to make it not break on SIGINT. Could you assist there? I
 have also attached the debug logs - NB, it's user "murali at" that
 "causes" the drops.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/15108#comment:4>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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