[Pidgin] #14305: Pidgin Crash During Start on Ubuntu 11.04

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sat Nov 24 15:43:35 EST 2012

#14305: Pidgin Crash During Start on Ubuntu 11.04
 Reporter:  itcompozer    |       Owner:  tomkiewicz
     Type:  defect        |      Status:  closed
Milestone:  2.10.7        |   Component:  Gadu-Gadu
  Version:  2.10.4        |  Resolution:  fixed
 Keywords:  ubuntu gnome  |

Comment (by tymik):

 And as my ticket #15407 was marked as duplicate I want to know why this
 ticket is closed and resolution says "fixed", when there is no 2.10.7
 release yet?
 I don't know how you see the case, but for me problem is not fixed as long
 as fix is not released.

 Anyways, could you hurry up with release? #15373 seems to be resolved(just
 not yet remarked), #15289 is related to Windows client (correct me if I'm
 mistaken) and I think it should not stop Linux release as it is not
 related, and #15029 might be moved to 3.0.0 as it is not so important to
 be done quickly(also possibly resolved, but I didn't check for files
 And it would be nice if comments could be placed under milestone, as a
 kind of discussion, because I find half of my comment not related to the
 ticket and no way under milestone to post it.

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/14305#comment:16>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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