[Pidgin] #15513: Add OTR (Off The Record plugin) to release

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Feb 14 15:31:02 EST 2013

#15513: Add OTR (Off The Record plugin) to release
 Reporter:  ioerror       |       Owner:  datallah
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new
Milestone:                |   Component:  privacy
  Version:  2.10.6        |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  security otr  |

Comment (by bleeter):

 Replying to [comment:28 ioerror]:
 > So, I'm happy to do the work - what work should I do next?

 I'd suggest that as the current aim (no pun intended) is to get 3.0.0 out
 the door next - ensure that Pidgin-OTR works cleanly with that branch. I'm
 guessing that pidgin-otr is known to work OK with 2.10.x release series,
 so we collectively wouldn't need that much testing on that branch. [Aside:
 With your interest in Tor, you may like to 'farm' some of the 3.0.0 work
 out for 'patches welcome' regarding per-protocol proxy support (see
 https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Roadmap3.0.0 )]

 Please review our Coding Standards document.
 https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/CodingStandards Whilst I realise Pidgin-
 OTR is an external product, bringing it inside results in us shouldering
 some of the effort if an unfortunate accident were to fall upon you and we
 needed ourselves to directly hack on it whilst looking for another person
 to maintain. However, there may be some style conflicts between what might
 be considered upstream and ourselves. 'unifying' styles, to some extent at
 least, would be something that I'd suggest should be seriously looked at
 (can you tell I've not looked at the pidgin-otr code in a while, I have no
 idea really on this one but thought it best be mentioned at the outset)

 Also, review Right Thing To Do

 Per comment:24, if you and hyc could look at a clean branch of purple-otr
 that merges with OTR's git, that'd be good because really we want to get
 3.0.0 underway ;)

 Ideally, what usually happens is that a patch/plugin being integrated on a
 regular basis would be submitted by someone who'd be given the 'Crazy
 Patch Writer' status. I'd have to check up on this, but iirc it's
 basically means that code is largely accepted with less review than what
 would normally take place from a 'cold' patcher. After a few rounds of
 that and demonstrated knowledge of being able to utilise the SCCS in
 place, a CPW would be given their own space on our hg system to work

 No doubt if I've given bad, false or misleading info here someone will
 clarify my early morning rambling.

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/15513#comment:29>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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