[Pidgin] #15953: weight loss 101

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Feb 10 03:50:12 EST 2014

#15953: weight loss 101
 Reporter:  chrisjohn000                |      Owner:  EionRobb
     Type:  task                        |     Status:  new
Milestone:  Implementation In Progress  |  Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.10.9                      |   Keywords:  Cleanse Ultimo
 getting a good amount of healthy fat in their diet the screenings stop
 what about counting calories that's another big thing that we hear about
 in weightless is that an effective way to lose weight are not so much not
 so much I don’t recommend people count calories really and it's not
 necessary and if you’re eating the right foods on when I like to focus on
 honest people would be nutrient density you know eat foods that have
 nutrient your vegetables especially your fruits your needs um people
 getting the calorie counting sent you know I can have this piece a cake
 and have this the you know and just stay away from that stuff and you
 don't need to count calories um get the empty calories I mean youwanna be
 feeding your body nutrient and eating nutrient-dense foods and not giving
 an empty calories so there's really no need to count calories right let's
 go back to this idea as empty calories because that's something that I
 have just discussed before in our different videos I'm the idea that among
 these processed foods any kind of junk food or fast food you're getting a
 huge amount of calories and little or no nutrition
 exactly[http://cleanseultimoadvice.com/ Cleanse Ultimo] and that’s
 basically what's meant by empty calorie it is that's what's nearby empty
 calories you're getting a lot on yet calories that are just I'm going to
 go right around your middle section her to like me I'm not give you any
 health benefits whatsoever hmm so you would be so much better off having
 nutrient-dense foods with her actually going to feed your body what it
 needs to function properly great and those foods are going to actually be
 filling you up .

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/15953>
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