[Pidgin] #15912: IRC: Freenode refuses to login if too many channels are listed as auto connect

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Feb 3 21:19:08 EST 2014

#15912: IRC: Freenode refuses to login if too many channels are listed as auto
 Reporter:  laserbeak43  |       Owner:  elb
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  closed
Milestone:               |   Component:  IRC
  Version:  2.10.9       |  Resolution:  duplicate
 Keywords:               |

Comment (by Robby):

 The issue you reported in this ticket had been previously reported in
 #11089 which makes this ticket a duplicate of the other.

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/15912#comment:6>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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