[Pidgin] #16130: muscle many

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Mar 11 01:10:35 EDT 2014

#16130: muscle many
 Reporter:  nikanik  |      Owner:  EionRobb
     Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
Milestone:           |  Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.10.9   |   Keywords:
 I've either French or trainer so I’m always around very high level people
 my father was a competitive runner himself if you want on a full
 scholarship to the state so I have his voice in my head and he's always
 pushing me in making me go harder and Nick raising the bar so you might
 not have you know brothers sisters or parents that are pushing you there
 like all your okay you know and like this adjusts is it is what it is so
 you have to understand that some people have that edge so there's a lot of
 factors that go into whether [http://1285musclerev.com/ 1285 muscle]
 you're bill muscle or nine you probably have it look at all these a few
 other factors we should consider straining age how many years have you
 been training some other guys a look phenomenal have like 10 plus years a
 train people sick pins how did you build your body I’ve been working on
 this body for 10 years in the gym and then I’ve got over 10 years I've be
 competitive sports behind that twenty years on you %um say so how do

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