[Pidgin] #16220: Add Distribution Group

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu May 1 08:10:50 EDT 2014

#16220: Add Distribution Group
 Reporter:  jtowles  |       Owner:  EionRobb
     Type:  defect   |      Status:  new
Milestone:           |   Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.10.9   |  Resolution:
 Keywords:           |

Comment (by jtowles):

 I apologize for being vague.

 In Lync, the Client queries the GAL for users, distribution groups, etc.

 When you search for a distribution group, you can right-click and select
 add to contacts. What this feature does is creates a group in Lync named
 after the distribution group and adds each other of that distribution
 group to the group.

 I presume to do this you would use a SIP plug-in, but I'm wondering if
 this functionality is available at all.

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/16220#comment:5>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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