[Pidgin] #16662: Strange ICQ login issue

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon May 18 13:51:46 EDT 2015

#16662: Strange ICQ login issue
 Reporter:  icqhustler                           |       Owner:  EionRobb
     Type:  defect                               |      Status:  new
Milestone:                                       |   Component:
                                                 |  unclassified
  Version:  2.10.11                              |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  icq issue pidgin incorrect password  |
  2015                                           |

Comment (by declaya):

 Hi, same here.

 All began suddenly while chatting with a friend. I couldn't send any
 messages at all, but could recieve everything. Plus I got a server
 message, that told me that my acc was somehow compromised and that I have
 to verify my mobile phone number (for whatever reason), with a link to the
 official icq webpage.
 Then I gave them my phone number (which I can't delete anymore... :/) and
 changed my password to be safe. At this point I was a bit concerned,
 because this is not the first time icq got hacked. ;)

 I finally tried my new password at the icq page in the web app and it
 worked. But Pidgin is trying to log me in and says my password would be
 incorrect (which it isn't as you can see above).

 So now my guess is that the guys from icq did something to my acc when I
 got the server message. They must somehow "upgraded" it (with the phone
 number and all that stuff) so that I can't log in anymore (I don't have a
 new account, it is from the time everyone had icq and 56k modems ;). Maybe
 they even transfer now what client you are using and are blocking any
 other clients.

 So please fix it somehow (I would even help you but I don't have that much
 knowledge of protocols), because the official client is definitely from
 hell and therefore not usable at all.

 It maybe helps you that I wasn't able to log in with miranda, too. I was
 just checking if this is a general issue, I won't use miranda at all. ;)

 Many thanks in advance!

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/16662#comment:1>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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