[Pidgin] #16993: Port finch's pietray to pydbus + PyGI + GTK3 + StatusNotifierItem

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun Apr 10 11:24:59 EDT 2016

#16993: Port finch's pietray to pydbus + PyGI + GTK3 + StatusNotifierItem
 Reporter:  lew21    |      Owner:  sadrul
     Type:  patch    |     Status:  new
Milestone:           |  Component:  finch (gnt/ncurses)
  Version:  2.10.12  |   Keywords:
 Originally, I've planned to port pietray to pydbus only (because #16992).

 1. Looks like it's impossible to use PyGI (required by pydbus) and PyGTK
 in the same script. Therefore, I had to port it to PyGI.

 2. PyGI bindings for GTK2 are quite bad - for example GtkMenu.popup() does
 not work. Therefore, I had to port it to GTK3.

 3. GtkStatusIcon has less features, and is deprecated, in GTK3. Also, the
 StatusNotifierItem protocol is quite a bit better than the old XEmbed-
 based one. Therefore, I replaced GtkStatusIcon with a StatusNotifierItem

 The port works better for me (on KDE) than the original (which was missing
 an icon... it was just an empty space in the tray). However, I didn't test
 it on Unity nor GNOME (does GNOME3 support tray icons at all?).

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/16993>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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