Pidgin 2.7.2 released!

Mark Doliner mark at
Wed Jul 21 12:49:38 EDT 2010

This was not a full freeze-translate release, just a few important bug
fixes.  We're still hoping to string freeze and release 2.7.3 from
im.pidgin.pidgin soonish.  Is string freeze on Thursday good?  Or
would people prefer that we wait longer?

No Windows builds yet, but hopefully some dashing person will build
them soon (to whom it may concern: Ethan thinks there might be a
change related to using translations in Windows that I didn't merge
into the 2.7.2 branch?  If you know what he's talking about, we might
need to include that in our 2.7.2 packages).

And the Ubuntu PPA has not been updated yet, either.


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