Translate to Welsh

gymka gymka at
Wed Jun 12 10:02:35 EDT 2013

2013.06.12 15:21, Mike Jones rašė:
> Hello!
> I'm an avid user of pidgin for instant messaging and noticed that
> there's no official translation of pidgin into welsh (at least, that's
> how it appears on the website). I was wondering if there are any other
> people in the process of doing this. If there aren't it would certainly
> be in my interest to translate for you.
> When others are doing their bit to translate pidgin into Irish, I feel
> someone (possibly me) should come forward to support the welsh translation.
> I look forward to hearing from you,
> Thanks

skip this pointless talks... if you want translate, go to and request welsh
translation team, then admin will create it and all who willing to help
will submit their translations. all talks about such topic is waste of

Lithuanian translator

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