[Pidgin] ThirdPartyPlugins modified

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Feb 28 15:25:28 EST 2019

Page "ThirdPartyPlugins" was changed by EionRobb
Diff URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/ThirdPartyPlugins?action=diff&version=535>
Revision 535
Index: ThirdPartyPlugins
--- ThirdPartyPlugins (version: 534)
+++ ThirdPartyPlugins (version: 535)
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 || QQ (pidgin-lwqq) || [https://github.com/xiehuc/pidgin-lwqq Go] || QQ protocol support (Based on WebQQ) ||
 || Rediffbol || [http://rediffbol-prpl.sourceforge.net/ Go] || Indian network ||
 || Rocket.Chat || [https://bitbucket.org/EionRobb/purple-rocketchat/overview Go] || Open-source replacement for Slack ||
+|| Signal || [https://github.com/hoehermann/libpurple-signald Go] || Secure mobile messaging ||
 || Skype || [https://github.com/EionRobb/skype4pidgin/tree/master/skypeweb Go] || Skype IM protocol support ||
 || Slack || [https://github.com/dylex/slack-libpurple Go] || Team collaboration tool ||
 || SIPE || [http://sipe.sourceforge.net/ Go] || Microsoft Office Communicator, Reuters Messaging ||

Page URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/ThirdPartyPlugins>
Pidgin <https://pidgin.im>

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