[Cabal] Moving toward a more manageable FAQ

Luke Schierer lschiere at users.sf.net
Wed Dec 20 08:01:00 EST 2006

On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 06:06:26PM -0500, Ethan Blanton wrote:
> I found a trac macro to build a table of contents of a set of pages,
> and got Daniel to install it because I was incompetent to do so.  I
> have changed the FAQ page to use it; take a gander and see what you
> all think.
> https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/FAQ
> (By the way, should we turn off http to that server, or redirect it to
> https?  I think we should, at least if users are logged in or logging
> in.)
> I would like to see an all-in-one FAQ page, but the flexibility of
> trac leads me to believe that we can render one from the individual
> pages listed in a macro such as the above; one would have to edit the
> individual pages, but the entier thing could be *viewed* in one go.
> How does that strike people?  I'll take a look at making it happen, if
> people like it.  Unless I can convince someone else to do it, since I
> don't even know python.  ;-)
> Ethan

I *would* like to see a comprehensive list of questions.  I do *not*
want to see a comprehensive list of answers.  I very much like what you
have done.  It seems like a good compromise between ready access to the
information and keeping each page short. I think that keeping each page
short is important for getting people to read it, a huge page of text is
intimidating even if the particular answer is not long.


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