[Cabal] AOL

Sean Egan seanegan at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 17:52:04 EST 2006

On 12/20/06, Sean Egan <seanegan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Karen says "I think we're almost there" regarding the settlement
> negotiations. I missed her call this morning, but she's going to send
> me a revised aggreement to review and discuss, that hopefully they
> will agree with.

And she called back 15 minutes after I sent this. Apparently Jim Davis
is willing to agree to all of our requests:
- The agreement will cover all Gaim developers, not just those who sign.
- The representation that they are unaware of anything we're doing
that they disagree with is still in.
- The bit about using Gaim on the web and souce code as a technical
term to refer to previous API's and whatnot is in.

The terms of the rights they waive will be limited only to trademark
claims regarding prior uses of the term "Gaim" as referring to instant
messaging software (before this we requested they waive all trademark

Karen thinks AOL will agree with this and we should be able to go live
in January! I'll be receiving the new settlement any minute and will
share when I get it.



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