[Cabal] AOL

Sean Egan seanegan at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 18:49:03 EST 2006

This is what we expect AOL to agree to.


On 12/20/06, Sean Egan <seanegan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/20/06, Sean Egan <seanegan at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Karen says "I think we're almost there" regarding the settlement
> > negotiations. I missed her call this morning, but she's going to send
> > me a revised aggreement to review and discuss, that hopefully they
> > will agree with.
> And she called back 15 minutes after I sent this. Apparently Jim Davis
> is willing to agree to all of our requests:
> - The agreement will cover all Gaim developers, not just those who sign.
> - The representation that they are unaware of anything we're doing
> that they disagree with is still in.
> - The bit about using Gaim on the web and souce code as a technical
> term to refer to previous API's and whatnot is in.
> The terms of the rights they waive will be limited only to trademark
> claims regarding prior uses of the term "Gaim" as referring to instant
> messaging software (before this we requested they waive all trademark
> claims).
> Karen thinks AOL will agree with this and we should be able to go live
> in January! I'll be receiving the new settlement any minute and will
> share when I get it.
> -s.
> -Sean.
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