Let's answer the branding question on Win32

Ethan Blanton elb at psg.com
Sun Apr 8 22:06:02 EDT 2007

Mark Doliner spake unto us the following wisdom:
> I disagree a lot.  I don't think it's crappy, and I don't not like Windows
> users.  Firefox doesn't call it "Winfirefox" or "Firefoxwin," and I don't
> think we should do it either.  Treating Windows users like second class
> citizens is demeaning to potential users and developers, and it hurts the
> spread of open-source software.

Oh, I think it should *officially* be Pidgin, but referred to as
"Pidgwin" when a distinction is necessary.

Windows users *are* second-class citizens -- and only by convincing
enough Windows user of this, will we be rid of that piece of crap.


The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws [that have no remedy
for evils].  They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
determined to commit crimes.
		-- Cesare Beccaria, "On Crimes and Punishments", 1764
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