Is 'purple' secret, too?

Ethan Blanton elb at
Thu Mar 22 16:01:51 EDT 2007

Evan Schoenberg spake unto us the following wisdom:
> The use of the purple_* namespaced code, however, is a mistake, and I  
> realized this as I was beginning to compose the email which started  
> this thread.  I've realized it more in the time between when I sent  
> the email and when I returned to my computer just now, and understood  
> this fact even more after reading your reply.  Thanks for taking the  
> time to reply in such detail, even if your reply has strong tones of  
> dislike of me or at least of my actions as regards the issue at hand.

There certainly were strong tones of dislike for these actions; I
think they were ill-advised, and I regret that they occurred.  I did
not intend for you to take it as a slight on your person.

> The Libgaim.framework which will be released with Adium 1.0.2 will  
> *not* have any mention of purple or pidgin.  I'm currently re- 
> renaming all functions, symbols, and defines back to gaim_* and  
> GAIM_*.  While there has been an Adium beta which included the  
> purple_ symbols (not used in Adium's own code, of course, but present  
> in the included binary), that's water under the bridge for which I  
> apologize.  You're absolutely right that this is a mistake.

I am glad to see that we agree on this point, but at this time, as you
mention, there is nothing that can be done about the beta.  I think
your renaming for the release is prudent and an appropriate


> I read your statement of the issue to say that I have low moral
> character and a strong stomach for dissimilation.  I disagree on both
> counts, if that's the intended implication.  It is, in any case, out
> of scope for the list, as you say -- if you would like to continue
> that aspect of the discussion privately off-list you're welcome to do
> so.

No, the statement was intended to indicate that this is a question of
moral implication, not technical implication, and as such there is
room for disagreement.  I personally have *very* little tolerance for
dissimilation (and in fact, as you no doubt have noticed, am quite
prone to telling people things they don't want to hear simply because
I won't "soften" it), and I would be uncomfortable making excuses in
such a situation.  I find the a priori removal of purple_ symbols (as
you have suggested) much more palatable.

> Realizing after releasing a beta using the purple_* namespacing that  
> this was a potential problem, I consulted this list before it became  
> an issue.  I've never had a 'download source' link on the Adium site  
> which led to the libgaim source; instead, it's included as a binary  
> in the normal Adium distribution with a separate page explaining how  
> to checkout the Libgaim.framework repository if desired.  I certainly  
> would not have had a link saying "Download Source" which led to an  
> outdated copy of the tree.

I was not clear that we were discussing only beta releases; I thought
that this included other 1.0.x releases.  I am somewhat less
disappointed that this is being corrected before a major release, than
when I thought it was already in the wild in an official release.


The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws [that have no remedy
for evils].  They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
determined to commit crimes.
		-- Cesare Beccaria, "On Crimes and Punishments", 1764
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