Revision 373c1eac572f850e04e67e14cb2d2195a4ef4119

thekingant at thekingant at
Wed Apr 11 01:21:23 EDT 2007

o   -----------------------------------------------------------------
|   Revision: 373c1eac572f850e04e67e14cb2d2195a4ef4119
|   Ancestor: 68acaf3c4e1210ae01db07eeba7a2970a7e7adff
|   Author: thekingant
|   Date: 2004-12-18T16:16:33
|   Branch: im.pidgin.gaim.oldstatus
|   Modified files:
|           src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c
|   ChangeLog: 
|   [gaim-migrate @ 11625]
|   Sourceforge patch #1085652, from Evan Schoenberg:
|   Backport Sean's oscar encoding patch to oldstatus
|   Thanks!
|   ============================================================
|   --- src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c	2a4ddf538757d006472c22c7193e18e4801bb0ba
|   +++ src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c	2c2f1d26587db5ab41485fbdfbffb258ec81f69d
|   @@ -377,15 +377,13 @@ oscar_encoding_to_utf8(const char *encod
|    	if ((encoding == NULL) || encoding[0] == '\0') {
|    		gaim_debug_info("oscar", "Empty encoding, assuming UTF-8\n");
|   -
|   -	} else if (!strcmp(encoding, "iso-8859-1")
|   -                   || !strcmp(encoding, "ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1")) {
|   +	} else if (!strcasecmp(encoding, "iso-8859-1")) {
|    		utf8 = g_convert(text, textlen, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", NULL, NULL, NULL);
|   -
|   -	} else if (!strcmp(encoding, "unicode-2-0")) {
|   +	} else if (!strcasecmp(encoding, "ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1")) {
|   +		utf8 = g_convert(text, textlen, "UTF-8", "Windows-1252", NULL, NULL, NULL);
|   +	} else if (!strcasecmp(encoding, "unicode-2-0")) {
|    		utf8 = g_convert(text, textlen, "UTF-8", "UCS-2BE", NULL, NULL, NULL);
|   -
|   -	} else if (strcmp(encoding, "us-ascii") && strcmp(encoding, "utf-8")) {
|   +	} else if (strcasecmp(encoding, "us-ascii") && strcmp(encoding, "utf-8")) {
|    		gaim_debug_warning("oscar", "Unrecognized character encoding \"%s\", "
|    						   "attempting to convert to UTF-8 anyway\n", encoding);
|    		utf8 = g_convert(text, textlen, "UTF-8", encoding, NULL, NULL, NULL);

To get the patch for this revision, please do this:
mtn log --last 1 --diffs --from 373c1eac572f850e04e67e14cb2d2195a4ef4119

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