/pidgin/main: 4c07e7d0d67e: Fix ALL_LINGUAS

Richard Laager rlaager at pidgin.im
Thu Mar 19 19:52:26 EDT 2015

Changeset: 4c07e7d0d67e24747032633e70dd1b689cdfc875
Author:	 Richard Laager <rlaager at pidgin.im>
Date:	 2015-03-19 18:31 -0500
Branch:	 release-2.x.y
URL: https://hg.pidgin.im/pidgin/main/rev/4c07e7d0d67e



There are more .po files than existing in ALL_LINGUAS.  If this was
intentional, please revert (or ask me to).


 configure.ac |  2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (12 lines):

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ if test x$enable_i18n = xyes; then
-	ALL_LINGUAS="af am ar ast az be at latin bg bn bn_IN br bs ca ca at valencia cs da de dz el en_AU en_CA en_GB eo es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id it ja ka kk km kn ko ku ku_IQ lt lv mai mhr mk mn mr my_MM nb ne nl nn oc or pa pl pt_BR pt ps ro ru si sk sl sq sr sr at latin sv sw ta te th tr tt uk ur vi xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW"
+	ALL_LINGUAS="af am ar as ast az be at latin bg bn_IN bn br brx bs ca ca at valencia cs da de dz el en_AU en_CA en_GB eo es_AR es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id it ja ka kk km kn ko ks ku_IQ ku lt lv mai mhr mk ml mn mr my_MM nb ne nl nn oc or pa pl ps pt_BR pt ro ru sd si sk sl sq sr at latin sr sv sw ta te th tr tt uk ur uz vi xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW"
 	dnl If we don't have msgfmt, then po/ is going to fail -- ensure that

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