Sametime missing

Joanna Chopard (jchopard) jchopard at
Fri Aug 31 09:10:23 EDT 2007

Yay, it's working!

I did have win32-install-dir/libmeanwhile-1.dll but for some reason, its
mode was not executable.  So I 'chmod 755'd it and now it works!

Thanks again, Daniel!

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Atallah [mailto:daniel.atallah at] 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 2:52 PM
To: Joanna Chopard (jchopard)
Cc: devel at
Subject: Re: Sametime missing

On 8/31/07, Joanna Chopard (jchopard) <jchopard at> wrote:
> Now, the problem is that when I launch it, I don't see the Lotus 
> Sametime in its Protocol dropdown menu for creating a new account.
> In the win32-install-dir/plugins/ directory, I do see libsametime.dll
> I'm not sure where it's telling the app not to load the Sametime.

It wouldn't be that something is telling libpurple not to load the
plugin, but rather that it can't.  That plugin depends on the meanwhile
library to work - you need "libmeanwhile-1.dll" in your
win32-install-dir (it should be put there by the building process).

If you run `pidgin.exe -d`, the debug log should tell you that it isn't
being loaded because of a missing dependency.


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