2.1.0 delay

Ka-Hing Cheung khc at hxbc.us
Mon Jul 23 23:41:02 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-07-23 at 19:49 -0700, Sean Egan wrote:
> This works very nicely, but we don't know if a conversation window is
> intended to hold an IM or a chat at PidginWindow creation-time. Thus,
> right now, chats and IMs do not have separate sizes or positions.
> Is this an important distinction? I know that at list Ka-hing thinks
> so. If it's important, I'll add a new API method that creates a
> PidginWindow with a PidginConvType as an argument, and then have the
> existing constructor call the new constructor with the IM type.

I do think it's important that chat and IM windows can have different sizes.


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