
Sean Egan seanegan at
Tue Jul 31 19:42:10 EDT 2007

On 7/31/07, Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadowski at> wrote:
> I'm curious of this too. I would like to know how far gaim-vv got even?
> It would be cool if I could use any V4L2 device or even a looped video
> feed like some of the yahoo spam bots did.

I've recently taken an interest in doing this again, and the Adium
developers have been prodding me about it.

Today, I made a bold promise that if they made a demo application that
got webcam video on OS X (which is not currently possible with
gstreamer) and did fancy OpenGL things with is using the code from that I'd check in an operational -vv
branch within a week.


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